Monday, February 21, 2011

Family Day

Happy Family Day to all you Albertan's!

I am making good use of the holiday by getting an early start.  First up, take that picture I wanted to yesterday only go out 25 minutes earlier.  Check!  Go work out at the gym. Check! Learn something useful. Check! Post to this blog. Check! Take the boys to a movie and then dinner, have a relaxing evening at home with the family, and then early to bed. Unchecked but about to change …

Below is the view I saw from my front door this morning.  I went to the top of a neighborhood hill (just around the corner) to get a cleaner shot. Same view but no street lamp in the way.

Moonrise Mountains


  1. Super cool picture! :-) Here's to a relaxing day (hopefully!!)

  2. WOW - this is an awesome photo. I think I need to get a decent camera and learn how to take photo's like you do.
