Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Moeraki Art

I am not quite sure how I feel about this photo I took just a few hours earlier today.  The reason?  It is HDR Art – a special photographic technique designed to do, well, this picture for example. 

This morning while talking to my good friend Darcy who is a professional photographer, we were reminiscing about the days of developing our own film and prints (I had a darkroom when I was in grade 8.  I loved the smell of the chemicals…).  We talked about how technology has empowered us to do things we could not easily replicate in a darkroom – or even do at all for that matter.  In the case of this photo, I am able to record light in a way that can’t be captured on film or even digital sensors without multiple exposures.  And then comes the tricky part.  I have to interpret how I want this “Art” to feel.  As someone who is clearly hard-wired for the scientific and precise, artistic interpretation can be a frustrating experience – and presumably a good workout for the other side of my brain :-)

Below is one of MANY pictures I took at Moeraki beach today.  It is an amazing place and there is nowhere in the world like it.  If anything justifies multiple postings, the Bolders at Moeraki are it.  As such, over the next month or so, I will try to make 4-5 posts about the pictures I took there. For now, here is a single photo.

About this photo: I deliberately took it softly into the surreal side of the art form without getting too heavy handed (which destroys a picture IMHO).  Moeraki beach itself is surreal with all these strange alien-like rocks and you can imagine that you are on a different planet when wandering among them. So this photo is my surreal interpretation of a surreal place.

Moeraki HDR_sm(click on the photo to go larger – it’s worth it)

1 comment:

  1. Those rocks? are so weird! Whitney thinks like look like dinosaur eggs. They look like some kind of creature. Cool picture!
