Saturday, April 16, 2011

Driving in New Zealand

Driving around New Zealand is a lot of fun.  You get to zip down the left side of the road while sitting on the right hand side of the car.  I’ve done this enough now that when I get into that situation, it feels more enjoyable than tense.  The traffic circles are always fun because it’s something of a challenge I don’t get back in Calgary.  But for pure excitement, the very narrow roads, twisty steep hills and gorgeous vistas can’t be beat!  Below is a picture of my rental car on the side of Law Road on Saddle Hill.  This road has a 24% grade in places (that means it is crazy steep) and going up hill requires the lowest gear.  There is no place to pull over on the insanely steep places so for this picture, I had opt for the just really steep.  Too Fun!

Saddle Hill_sm

Below is a picture of the town of Mosgiel in the distance on a rainy day (easier to see the town if you click on the picture to go full size).  What a beautiful view!


Finally, when I was pulled over, there was sheep fence (electrified!) close by.  Below is a creative B&W shot.

Post BW


  1. Hey,
    I'm a man from Mosgiel, looking for an image of the town to use as cover art for an amateur rap bands artwork on bandcamp ( and wondered if you'd mind if I used your photo of Mosgiel during rain? I'll credit you.

    Hamish Gavin.

    P.S. The photos are great!

  2. Hi Hamish,

    Glad you like the photo. Thank you for asking for permission to use it. You have my permission to use it for no cost. Please be so kind as to credit me. If you do decide to use it, I'm sure you will want the high-res version which I would be happy to provide (I just have to dig through my archives). Just let me know what you decide.


