Saturday, April 16, 2011

Auckland Sky Tower

Most cities have some sort of tower as part of their architectural repertoire.  In Calgary, we have pretty much buried ours in the midst of taller buildings.  It didn’t start out that way of course.  Below are two photos of the Auckland Sky Tower and it’s hard to get a decent picture because it too is somewhat obscured by tall buildings until you get far away from it.  One angle that works really well is actually the view just outside of my employer’s office.  I took this picture quite early in the morning before the sun was up (I am facing directly East).  This predawn light works nicely because the Tower is still lighted for nighttime but the sky is lighter and there is more light in general making a softer, less contrasty image.  Interestingly, it wasn’t even 5 minutes after I took this photograph that the Tower lights were shut off.  I was composing another shot and poof!  The Tower went dark.

Auckland Skytower pre-dawn

I was watching all week hoping for the Tower to be lit up with a different color light because this Tower looks great that way.  The reason I know this happens is because I’ve seen it at different times and with different lighted colors.  But , the color never changed at all and it remained it’s boring grey self .  The photograph below, which I took last year, shows what I was hoping for on this visit (and for the above shot). Maybe it will happen later this week when I visit Auckland again.

Auckland Sky Tower Red_sm


  1. Love these photo's - they have an almost surreal feel to them. I've never been to Auckland, and can't imagine I'll ever go, so it's nice to see it through someone else's lens!

  2. Lucky shots on the tower before the lights went off. :-) We just saw people jumping off of it on the Biggest Loser and also Kate Plus 8 this week. Weird... Funny timing.
